New beginnings at Brass for Africa! – The 1st August marks the day that we say farewell to Uganda Country Manager Rebecca Richards and Welcome to incoming Country Director Andrew Agassi.
Rebecca has had an incredible 3 years in post and we celebrated her amazing achievements at our Brass for Afribecca concert last weekend where we premiered “Ballad for Rebecca” – a beautiful piece composed for her by our composer in Residence Alan Fernie. (stay tuned to find out more about this in the coming days). We are delighted that this is not a goodbye to Rebecca as she takes up an exciting new post with Brass for Africa in September.
Andrew has a wealth of International Development Experience and joined us a year ago as a management consultant from his native Kenya. In the past year Andrew has taken BfA to new heights, developing new systems, and enhancing professionalism and structure in the operation and team, whilst still finding time to learn the trumpet!
Exciting times – Onwards and upwards!