Dorna Centre Home for Autism
Dorna Centre Home for Autism is an organisation dedicated to supporting children and young people with autism, their families and the autism community at large. The centre aims to provide education and therapeutic services which promote greater independence for those living with autism in home and community settings.After being awarded with Oxfam’s VOICE grant in 2020, Brass for Africa began delivering Music & Life-Skills sessions at the centre twice a week. Through these sessions we have seen incredible transformations among the participants.
Concentration has greatly increased. At the beginning of the partnership the sessions could only take place for 10 minutes, but now the participants can hold their concentration for up to an hour.
Communication and teamwork have vastly improved. Many of those living at the centre find it difficult to communicate and would keep to themselves, but through the Music & Life-Skills sessions teachers have reported that the participants now interact more with them and work well with each other.
Confidence has grown. When the sessions began it was noted that many of the participants were shy and lacked confidence. Now they run up to the bus when the Brass for Africa teachers arrive and help them with the instruments, they have performed at functions including playing for the Uganda Minister for Disability, and confidently stand up in front of each other and partake during the class.
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